39th Birthday Gift Idea for woman or man born in 1986

Something different for your woman or man's 39th birthday

A gift that celebrates their unique life as well as their birth.

One side of the gift focuses on the year they were born, where they're from, and what was happening 39 years ago in 1986. The reverse side highlights their name meaning and origin, birth sign as well as a personal message from you. It contains over 200 fun bits of trivia and because it's is meant to be viewed from both sides it has several unique options for viewing it.

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You can order it framed in a unique dual-sided wood frame or you could choose a dual-sided plexiglass stand with a wood base, both are hand-made by us. Other options include laminated to seal and protect it. Our printed option is on heavy 60lbs card stock using a commercial color laser printer. All options include free shipping in the USA. If your in rush or just want to print it yourself you can pick the download option.

Send them on a fun and nostalgic trip down memory lane.



For this example, we'll make up a man named. (let's say Michael Hollyn Randolph ) We'll say he was born on Thursday, December 23, 1982, and he was born in WA, USA.

Explore the stunning detail of this thoughtful birthday present. Take your time and check out a few different ages or years using the "Sample" button above.

This unique 39th birthday newsletter contains over 200 fun components. A creative flashback to 1986 emphasizing inventions, toys, mags, and more.

Top Movies 39 years ago

  • Rain Man
  • Twins
  • Die Hard
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  • Coming To America
  • Top Gun
  • Platoon
  • Aliens
  • Platoon
  • Ferris Bueller

This dual-sided 39th birthday gift is loaded with information like this. We try to focus on the positives like inventions, movies, sports, and popular TV shows. The background is themed based on the recipient's interest. Over 100 different interests to choose from. You will be sure to find one they will love.


  • Dual-sided - Beautiful on both sides
  • Themed - Based on their interests
  • Size - Measures 8.5 x 14 inches
  • Downloadable - PDF copy instantly
  • Personalized - Pick the look and a personal message
  • Birthplace - Choose from the US, Canada, or Mexico
  • Finishing - Framed, Stand, Laminated, Printed
  • Shipping - Free Shipping
  • 100% - Satisfaction Guarantee

A Unique birthday present for your 29-year-old woman or man or any family member or friend.

For fun, look for "Miss America State", "Popular TalkShow", "Grammy Album Of The Year" on the front.

Did you notice any of the following?

WorldSeries Loser: Who lost the World Series
Popular Games: Most popular games of the year
Superbowl City: Where the Superbowl was played

Some thoughtful notes about the Greedy Eighties!

Did you know in the Eighties, we saw the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the AIDS virus epidemic hits 85 countries and the US. The '80s saw massive economic growth, the birth of genetic and digital technologies.

Don't just send them a gift!

Build a memory

A memory that will last a lifetime!

Stunning 39th birthday gift ideas - Back

Take a look at the back. Notice the detail about their name in the opening sentence.

Popular Fashion: Popular fashion trends the year they were born
Popular Name Boys: Top boys baby name the year they were born
Moon Distance at birth: The distance the moon was from the earth when they were born

Search for the following "Moon Distance at birth", "Popular Game", and "Cool Music when you were 15" on the back.

Build A Memory!

Take a look at the bottom left, it features information about the state where they were born or where they live.

1986 Birthday Gift!

39th birthday gift ideas and general good advice:
Improve your circulation with garlic, onions, and cayenne.

Everyone refer to this time period the Greedy Eighties. Here is something everyone will enjoy talking about, Buzzwords of the year 1986. All of those and so much more are included in this birthday newsletter tribute.

Top buzz words 39 years ago

  • Studmuffin
  • Hacker
  • Aerobics
  • Televangelist
  • 12 Step Program
  • Affirmative Action
  • Iran/Contra
  • HIV
  • Smoothies
  • Moral Majority

Did you find "Cool Music when you were 15" on the back?

The samples shown here are medium quality, but the finished product is (8x) eight times this quality and personalized by you. Each "lifely gift" we send out is as unique as the person it's intended for.

To make this 1986 personalized gift we actively curate thousands of news and historical sources. We maintain a massive collection of fun and interesting historical facts. Each present contains over two hundred points of interest for each year. Ranging from the best toys of their childhood to hit music when they were fifteen and even the popular car to have when they were old enough to drive.

Most other "the day you were born gifts" are single-sided and have about fifteen general year stats with a name and birth date slapped on the top. Our 39th birthday gift idea is so much more as you have seen. Each one is unique, no other historical birthday gift celebrates your woman or man's special life the way we do.

They will love this creative gift!

Let's Get Started

We hope the recipient will like the fun gift you found for them.

More than a "39th Birthday Gift for woman or man"

It's like a personalized time capsule for your woman or man's birthday. Some people call it an on the day you were born birthday gift. While others call it a birthday newspaper gift. We call it a celebration of life birthday gift or a lifely Milestone Gift

It's a personalized printable 39th birthday gift with instant delivery.

If you don't want to print it yourself we can print and mail it to you or the recipient. We have other options like laminated and a plexiglass stand. We also have a unique and beautiful dual-sided wood frame made from pure walnut. We have thought of everything to make this a fun, easy, and memorable experience for you and your loved one.

NOTE: These samples were made from random information. First Name, Last Name, Gender, State, and birthdates do not represent a real person.


A few highlights from this wonderful 39th birthday poster

The front starts with their full name and birthday along with the meaning and origin of their name.

A section covering top movies, game shows, TV shows, and more. A section covering the most popular food, entertainment, and games when they were born. Images and names for the most popular games of that year. The winner of the Pulitzer Prize in fiction and Pulitzer Prize in biography. This is a small fraction of the 200 fun facts on this unique present.

It's so much more than any other "on the day they were born" type tribute.

Other names for this type of present

Here are some other names this type of product is known by "birthday newspaper"
"personalized printable birthday gift"
"on the day you were born"
"celebration of life gift"
"39th birthday newspaper"
"on the day they were born"
"39th birthday gift idea"

More 39th birthday gift ideas

100 years of samples!

Take a moment to check out a few different years from our collection. Click a decade then select a year. Try your birth year to see something similar to what yours might look like. Maybe check and see what it might look like if you ordered "birthday present for your Grandma" or "birthday present for your Grandpa". You could look up the birth-year for your dad or mom, just to see the difference. If you have kids, you might check their birth years and consider getting one as a keepsake for your child's room.

A thoughtful and creative birthday present for a 34-year-old woman, but also a great gift for any age.

You can choose from the USA, Canada, or Mexico as the recipient's birthplace. The gift is in English only. Many parts of the gift are dependent on the country and state or province the recipient is from. When ordering you will be asked to select the country and state or province the recipient is from.

For Americans, the United States of America flag is used in the top left as well as the state flag and information. The US Presidential name, coin, campaign pin, and information are featured. We focus on American events like The Supper bowl, The Miss America Pageant, The World Series, and many more.

For Canadians, the gift will show the Canadian flag in the top left as well as the province flag in the top right. The Canadian prime minister and province coat of arms are used. Many other sections of the gift incorporate things like ice hockey, lacrosse, and curling events.

Recipient's from Mexico are supported and the same sort of changes are made, please note the gift will be in English and mostly geared towards the US.


Payment methods we accepted Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover
100% Satisfaction Guarante