Satisfaction Guarantee

Our 100% satisfaction guarantee

You should love your gift, so if your not happy, were not.

Note: To date, we have only had one customer request a refund and that was because her printer refused to print anything except for a black background.

Our return policy is 15 days and has the following coverage.

What we cover

  • We cover shipping damage
  • Flaws in materials
  • Flaws workmanship
  • Lost orders

What we don't cover

  • Damage caused after the gift was delivered
  • You just changed your mind
  • Shipping a full replacement, because you need a correction

Most issues can be resolved by making a correction. If you need a correction or your miss-typed something like their birth date or name we will work with you on making the corrections for you. You will receive the corrected PDF Download link. You can print a new copy from home or take it to a local print shop. If it was our mistake we will reprint the paper copy and it mail to you for free.

Payment methods we accepted Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover
100% Satisfaction Guarante